Oct 23, 2020
Krazy Joe & Jacob are back with another ALL NEW podcast!
This week The PREDICTION NETWORK discusses the new Amazon Prime movie, Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bride to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan
Star Trek: Discovery has been renewed for a 4th season!
Marvel Unlimited has shrunk the window through which new comics are released digitally from six months to three months!
And Netflix is unfortunately at it again. They have cancelled the sci-fi series Away after only one season.
Jacob puts Batman: Death in the Family on the MEDIOCRE MINUTE
We have HIGH FIVES for NEW MUTANTS, which Jacob finally saw!
And another HIGH FIVE for the documentary The Last Blockbuster about the final Blockbuster Video Store in existence in Bend, Oregon.
And RETROPODTASTIC looks back at 1989's Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Meyers!
Join us next week when RETROPODTASTIC revisits 1989's Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Meyers (The Producer's Cut)!
To hear more of Jacob, please visit his YouTube channel: YouTube.com/JtwoH
Special thanks to our patrons William La Bruna, Shawn Fisher, Martin Collins, Todd, Liza W. Rudolph, Jim Simon, Bill Greenan, Melissa Bartell, the Bathtub Mermaid, Joey Hockeypuck, Joey Baseball, Chris Fiore, Rick Weaver and also Water Tower Cinema!
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MegaPodTastic has a voicemail line! Call us at 610-624-1985. Give us a call...maybe you'll be on the next episode!
Keep on wearing those pajamas!!